Hi, I’m Hope.
Welcome! My name is Hope Newman Kemp, and I’m glad you’re here! I am a piano driven songwriter and singer. I am also a mother of four, and proud grandmother of 9.
I've been riding the dueling tracks between domestication and music making my entire adult life. Decades ago I left the "Industry" to marry a cute non-musician Army dentist, and never looked back. We've been married for 40 years now, and though romantic love has settled into comfortable love, I still write songs about the mysteries of established true love—something I want for the whole world.

Michael Minkoff,
Co-Founder of Renew the Arts
"Soulful and stirring, with lyrical and musical turns that surprise and delight, Hope’s music represents her well. She has proven herself a selfless and consistent friend to art, artists, and the listener.”
Dave Trout, UTR Media
“These are days where songs of truth, beauty, and grace are more important than ever - and that’s exactly what I’ve found on Hope Newman Kemp’s ‘Facing Eden.’ This is thoughtful songwriting executed with lovely musical production.”
Stephen Roach, Founder of The Breath and The Clay
"Facing Eden is a beautiful work of innovative jazz, and gospel-inspired musical explorations. Hope’s voice carries a depth of artistry and passion that speaks directly to the heart."
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